Exciting News! - New range of Dingens Barometers arriving soon.

Exciting News! - New range of Dingens Barometers arriving soon.

Posted by Alisdair Morrow on 7th Apr 2014

We are delighted to announce that we are soon to receive our first Dingens barometers.  These stunning barometers are not only works of art which will look amazing in your home, they are one of the most accurate barometers made today.

As you may already know a change in the European law which came into force in 2009 meant that barometer makers were no longer able to use mercury in barometers.  As the use of mercury was regarded as the most accurate way of identifying barometric pressure this was a massive blow to the barometer making industry.  In fact it resulted in the demise of a number of barometer makers. 

Thankfully 'Dingens Barometers' based in Belgium worked with Innovation Centre Limburg, IWT and Hasselt University to come up with an accurate alternative to the mercury barometer.  The resulting research led to the creation of the Innovacelli Barometer.  A highly accurate and Eco friendly barometer which can be used in both professional and domestic settings.  The new range will be going online very soon!